Red dead redemption 2 cheats
Red dead redemption 2 cheats

  • Horse Melee - You can hold and release Circle/B to melee from horseback.
  • Alternate Controls - In the game's Controls Menu, there are a number of pre-set control schemes and options including the ability to alter your sprint controls.
  • Quick View Map - Hold down Options/Menu button to view your map instantly.
  • Faster Looting - Hold down the Square/X button to continually loot multiple items from chests and containers.
  • Lost Your Hat? - If you find yourself hatless at the end of a hard day's gunslinging, Arthur's Hat can be recovered simply by standing next to or mounting your horse, holding L1 and tapping R1 to bring up the Horse Wheel.
  • These are easy commands that may help you out, especially as many of the tutorials you find in the game do not include them. Rockstar Games has also released a list of basic tips that some players may not have used yet.
  • You Seek More Than The World Offers - Fortify all Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars.
  • Seek all the bounty of this place - Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bar Levels.
  • The lucky be strong evermore - Infinite Stamina.
  • Virtue Unearned is not virtue - High Honor.
  • You long for sight and see nothing - Fog of War.
  • Greed is American Virtue - Heavy Weapons.
  • Abundance is the dullest desire - Infinite Ammo.
  • You want freedom - Decrease Wanted Level.
  • red dead redemption 2 cheats

  • You want punishment - Increase Wanted Level.
  • Keep your dreams light - Create a Buggy.
  • You want something new - Create Random Horse.
  • You want more than you have - Create a superior horse.
  • Keep your dreams simple - Create a Wagon.
  • The best of the old ways - Create a Stagecoach.
  • My kingdom is a horse - Increase horse bonding.
  • Better than my dog - Increase Horse Whistle Range.
  • You flourish before you die - Fully Fill Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars.
  • I seek and I find - Set Dead Eye Level 5.
  • red dead redemption 2 cheats

  • I still seek more - Set Dead Eye Level 4.
  • I shall be better - Set Dead Eye Level 3.
  • You revel in your disgrace, I see - Decrease Honor System Standing.
  • red dead redemption 2 cheats

    History is written by fools - Gunslinger Weapons.A simple life, a beautiful death - Provides basic weapons.“You revel in your disgrace, I see” - Gives Arthur minimum Honor Purchase newspaper after completing "Urban Pleasures" in Chapter 4 “Virtue unearned is not virtue” - Gives Arthur maximum Honor “Eat of knowledge” - Teaches Arthur every crafting recipe All is vanity” - Instantly unlocks all in-game outfits “Greed is now a virtue” - Gives Arthur $500 Purchase newspaper after completing "Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern" in Chapter 3 “You long for sight and see nothing” - Removes Fog of War from the map “History is written by fools” - Gives Arthur the Gunslinger side mission weapons “Death is silence” - Gives Arthur a set of Stealth Weapons Purchase newspaper after completing "Advertising, the New American Art" in Chapter 3 “Greed is American virtue” - Gives Arthur a set of Heavy Weapons “A simple life, a beautiful death” - Gives Arthur a set of Basic Weapons Purchase newspaper from Chapter 1 onwards “Abundance is the dullest desire” - Gives Arthur infinite ammunition There are 37 cheat codes in Red Dead Redemption 2, as follows:

    red dead redemption 2 cheats

    Most can be entered at any point, but a few require that you purchase the newspaper containing them first, and we've marked these in italics along with the point in the story the relevant paper becomes available from. When entering these cheat codes, capitalisation isn't important - but punctuation is required as written for the codes to work.

    Red dead redemption 2 cheats